• Taking the Initiative Party.


    The Taking the Initiative Party was established by a group of British business people – some from working class backgrounds who felt, like many others across the country, that we had become politically homeless.

    We founded the Party to create meaningful politics that will inspire people to get out and vote. We want to put forward candidates for election who truly represent their community AND who will deliver on campaign promises. We offer practical policies based in fact and detail, with honesty, transparency and accountability at the core of everything we do. Our background is in business and we believe that business has a positive part to play in community: through entrepreneurship, employment and empowerment. We also believe in responsible business that contributes to society – through fair taxation, employment rights, and environmental accountability.

    Taking the Initiative can see a brighter future for the UK, where everyone has a chance to make a difference and to thrive. We want to build a society where people who take the initiative to work towards a better Britain are rewarded: with excellent schools, world-leading healthcare, and a flourishing economy.
    GOTO: https://www.theinitiativeparty.org.uk/

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